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WecoAI Functions

abuild async

abuild(task_description, api_key=None)

Build a specialized function for a task asynchronously.


Name Type Description Default
task_description str

The description of the task for which the function is being built.

api_key str

The API key for the WecoAI service. If not provided, the API key must be set using the environment variable - WECO_API_KEY.



Type Description
tuple[str, int, str]

A tuple containing the function name, version number and description.

aquery async

aquery(fn_name, version=-1, text_input='', images_input=[], return_reasoning=False, strict=False, api_key=None)

Queries a specific function with the input (text, images or both) asynchronously.


Name Type Description Default
fn_name str

The name of the function to query.

version Optional[Union[str, int]]

The version alias/number of the function to query. Default is -1 which results in the latest version being used.

text_input str

The text input to the function.

images_input List[str]

A list of image URLs or base64 encoded images to be used as input to

return_reasoning bool

A flag to indicate if the reasoning should be returned. Default is False.

strict bool

A flag to indicate if the function should be queried in strict mode where the inputs provided should match the input modalities of the LLM chosen for this function. For example, when strict is True, a text-image query to a function that uses a text-only LLM will raise an error. When strict is False, the function will attempt to handle the input by dropping the image components. Default is False.

api_key str

The API key for the WecoAI service. If not provided, the API key must be set using the environment variable - WECO_API_KEY.



Type Description

A dictionary containing the output of the function, the number of input tokens, the number of output tokens,


batch_query(fn_name, batch_inputs, version=-1, return_reasoning=False, strict=False, api_key=None)

Batch queries a single function with multiple inputs.

This method uses the asynchronous queries to submit a batch of queries concurrently and waits for all responses to be received before returning the results. Order of the responses corresponds to the order of the inputs.


Name Type Description Default
fn_name str

The name of the function to query.

batch_inputs List[Dict[str, Any]]

A list of dictionaries, each representing an input for the function. Each dictionary can contain: - "text_input": A string for text input. - "images_input": A list of image URLs or base64 encoded images.

version str | int

The version alias/number of the function to query. Default is -1 which results in the latest version being used.

return_reasoning bool

A flag to indicate if the reasoning should be returned. Default is False.

strict bool

A flag to indicate if the function should be queried in strict mode where the inputs provided should match the input modalities of the LLM chosen for this function. For example, when strict is True, a text-image query to a function that uses a text-only LLM will raise an error. When strict is False, the function will attempt to handle the input by dropping the image components. Default is False.

api_key str

The API key for the WecoAI service. If not provided, the API key must be set using the environment variable - WECO_API_KEY.



Type Description
List[Dict[str, Any]]

A list of dictionaries, each containing the result of a function query. Each dictionary includes: - The function's output. - The number of input tokens. - The number of output tokens. - The latency in milliseconds.


build(task_description, api_key=None)

Build a specialized function for a task.


Name Type Description Default
task_description str

The description of the task for which the function is being built.

api_key str

The API key for the WecoAI service. If not provided, the API key must be set using the environment variable - WECO_API_KEY.



Type Description
tuple[str, int, str]

A tuple containing the function name, version number and description.


query(fn_name, version=-1, text_input='', images_input=[], return_reasoning=False, strict=False, api_key=None)

Queries a specific function with the input (text, images or both).


Name Type Description Default
fn_name str

The name of the function to query.

version str | int

The version alias/number of the function to query. Default is -1 which results in the latest version being used.

text_input str

The text input to the function.

images_input List[str]

A list of image URLs or base64 encoded images to be used as input to the function.

return_reasoning bool

A flag to indicate if the reasoning should be returned. Default is False.

strict bool

A flag to indicate if the function should be queried in strict mode where the inputs provided should match the input modalities of the LLM chosen for this function. For example, when strict is True, a text-image query to a function that uses a text-only LLM will raise an error. When strict is False, the function will attempt to handle the input by dropping the image components. Default is False.

api_key str

The API key for the WecoAI service. If not provided, the API key must be set using the environment variable - WECO_API_KEY.



Type Description

A dictionary containing the output of the function, the number of input tokens, the number of output tokens, and the latency in milliseconds.